Info about USA

Federal Government



Real Estate


  • Exchange rates
    Rates updated constantly, currency photos, calculator.


State Government Websites


  • Help for World Travelers
    Excellent comprehensive information on the different systems (including plugs) throughout the world for TV, phone, mobile phone, electric and electrical accessories.
  • Expedia USA
    Information about each state and major cities. You’ll find maps, cities guides, shopping, attractions and travel guides.
  • MultiMap
    Online maps to everywhere.
  • World Weather
  • Visit USA
  • World Executive USA
    Hotels, reservations and city guides listed by state
  • Call 220 International
    This company specialises in selling 220 volt (50 cycle) appliances in the US for use overseas. Products range from major appliances and tools to TVs and stereo equipment. Information about 220 volt appliances.
  • Power plugs and phone adaptors
    Power plugs, phone adaptors and other useful converters used around the world – pictures and items for sale.